Thursday, March 4, 2010

Update: Jasper's eye...or lack thereof

So after doing a week of ointment on Jasper's eye, it was clearly not getting any better. Good news though is that it wasn't getting any worse. The veterinarian at school said that he was not comfortable diagnosing any sort of issues in a rat, which I respect his honesty. My Lab Animal teacher that has been helping through this said that if it doesn't look like anything is infected or gross (ie no purulent discharge, foul odor) I could stop the ointment. I probably will just atrophy, if it hasn't already, or is just underdeveloped. she told me to keep an eye on it. I check his eye daily now just to make sure he isn't getting worse. He is such a little trooper! He has been an angel. He never fusses when I peek at his eye and I make sure to give him plenty of love and positive reinforcement afterwards for being such a good boy =)

I'm relieved that his eye doesn't seem to bother him and there doesn't really seem to be anything "wrong" with it. Jasper is pouncing along just fine, keeping up with Nico and oftentimes getting the best of his brother ;) I couldn't be a more proud rattie mom! I'm just glad he's going to be ok!

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